Sunday, March 4, 2012

Rice and basketballs

While going by Ilin Island with captain Boyet, we came across three little children about 1/2 mile offshore- approximate ages were 8 or 9 for the oldest boy, 5 or 6 for the little girl, and 18-24 months for the baby! They were out trying to catch fish because the family didn't have enough to eat. We are all so paranoid about safety for our little ones that we go overboard to make sure nothing happens to them- can you imagine a baby on a raft 3 feet wide in the ocean??!! Several hours later on our return to our hotel on the Island of Mindoro we saw the same kids still at it trying their best to catch something.  Anyway, we asked Boyet what we could do to help and he said that if we got a bag of rice (50 kilos) it would feed the family for about 5 weeks. So we went back the next day with four bags for the little group of homes. The kids can't break the cycle of poverty if they can't go to school, and they can't go to school if they have to work. So much need...we are praying for wisdom on how to help.

On a lighter note, one of the sports that is really big in the Philippines is basketball. On Ilin island is a basketball court and Boyet's son Lester even has his own hoop- a bit broken. The only problem is the only basketball had worn out...... so we bought a new hoop, net, basketball and pump! very fun! 

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